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Conduct Causal Market Research faster, with higher quality and more ethically than existing methods, with guaranteed human-level reliability.

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The smartest hire you’ll ever make

Work with synthetic Researchers, Economists, Sociologists and Psychologists to answer any causal behavior question.

Product Managers
The fastest way to get answers

Conduct causal experiments for any human behavior to predict market impacts and craft messages that resonate, all in minutes.

Product Managers

One Platform.
Infinite Intelligence



Determine value of every feature of any product, to any mindset



Segment any audience by need instead of by demographic, for any medium



Simulate policy outcomes, for any universe of actionable policies



Optimize patient care and hospital efficiency, for any healthcare setting



Understand what features are nice-to-have vs need-to-have, for any purchase

Content Creation

Content Creation

Gauge audience preferences to tailor content for increased engagement

How it works


Enter a causal question

You enter a question. We use AI to assist you to develop a causal experiment. Our AI suggests attributes, levels, traits, dependent variables, and statistical power needed for your experiment. Users can customize any aspect of their experiment.


Select Population Traits

You select population characteristics and we recruit and construct a Representative Population. Each Respondent for the experiment has representative characteristic traits of your selected population.


Conduct the Experiment

We poll the Representative Population to obtain answers for each respondent. Each persona performs several choice tasks. The answers are logged and passed along for analysis. Our results are auditable to all investigators.


Analyze Outcomes

Results are analyzed using state-of-the-art causal modeling techniques. The coefficients are used to estimate the preferences of subgroups in the population, create clusters, and report on which features of the product each persona prefers, and why..

The underlying magic

Product Managers
Generative AI

Simulate any respondent. LLMs design experiments with more divergent thought, faster, and at big-data scale VS human experimental designers.

Product Managers
Causal AI

Our Causal Graph infers cause-and-effect relationships, allowing for predictions and interventions.

Product Managers
Digital Twin of Society

We’ve purchased and aggregated traits and characteristics of every global citizen, enabling reliable replication of any real or imagined population.

Product Managers
Largest Repository of Turing Experiments

We’ve transcribed the world’s research into a consciousness assessment for AI.

Methods trusted and used by hundreds of companies

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